Current Road Closures

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Affected roads

Coxs Crown Road  (OPEN for light vehicles only)

Est. Dates01/02/2023 9:45:11 am
OPEN for light vehicles only.

Location: (-32.767457, 150.027614)

Affected roads

Bylong Valley Way 

Est. Dates06/03/2023 11:00:01 am

Council advises that Bylong Valley Way causeway at Coxs Gap (approx. 74km from Rylstone) is currently open under reduced speed conditions (40km/h).

The road has been reopened for Motorcycles, however motorcyclists and road users are advised to drive with caution in this area and take note of all warning signage.

Water over the road is affected by algae growth which has caused the road surface to become extremely slippery.

Council is currently monitoring the situation in conjunction with Transport for NSW and Muswellbrook Shire Council to help manage and improve the conditions caused by environmental issues.

Location: (-32.444393, 150.282689)